About Our Church Community
About the Episcopal Church
We Episcopalians believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As constituent members of the Anglican Communion in the United States, we are descendants of and partners with the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church, and are part of the third largest group of Christians in the world.
About St. Michael's
St. Michael’s is one of 44 Episcopal churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas (the eastern part of the state, including Wichita and Manhattan). We sit at the intersection of the cities of Mission, Prairie Village, and Overland Park, Kansas (suburbs of Kansas City, Missouri). At St. Michael’s, we strive to be a community that worships, prays, learns, and fellowships in Jesus’ name. We seek to walk the path that Jesus taught us as we invite others to walk that path with us. We are not perfect, but we trust in the grace of God as we (on our best days) step out humbly and courageously to follow where God leads. We would love for you to join us on the journey.
Meet Our Clergy and Staff
Meet Our Vestry Leaders
In the Episcopal Church, the vestry is the legal representative of the local church, the parish. The vestry is made up of twelve members of the parish, of which four are replaced by election each year over a three-year cycle. The vestry is led by the rector (head priest) with the support of the Senior Warden of the parish. The Junior Warden oversees the building and grounds, while the Treasurer provides oversight of financial accounting, and the Clerk provides the official record of business carried out by the vestry in its official meetings. Vestry members love their parish and seek to labor on its behalf by articulating and supporting the church’s mission, by calling others to ministry, and by overseeing the parish’s financial and other resources.
Vestry Meeting Minutes Archive
Vestry Sunday Announcement Schedule