Serving in Worship

Altar Guild members take care of the essential elements that contribute to our worship experience.  Working as rotating teams, the Altar Guild prepares the bread and wine for every Eucharist, cares for all the vessels and linens used to serve communion, ensures that the colorful hangings at the pulpit, lectern, and communion table are right for the season, among other duties.

Eucharistic Ministers are trained at St. Michael’s and licensed by the Diocese and then scheduled monthly in the 4 services per weekend. They also are asked to volunteer at special services throughout the church year. Their purpose is to offer the chalice to the communicants after they have received the bread from the clergy.

Acolytes serve on Sunday mornings and other major services like Christmas Eve and the Easter Vigil.  Together they assist in various elements of the worship experience.  They are trained by a lay volunteer and scheduled twice per month. Seventh to twelfth graders are invited to the serve.

Lectors (Lay Readers) are trained by the clergy and lay volunteers. They read from the lectern the biblical readings assigned for that day.

Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People from the lectern.

Oblationers bring the elements of the Eucharist (the bread and wine) to the altar during the offertory.

All of these committed servants ensure that we have a smooth, meaningful worship experience.

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