Serving the Local Community

Among the promises we make in baptism are:
  • I will proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.
  • I will seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving my neighbor as myself.
  • I will strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.

Social justice and personal righteousness go hand in hand. It is an illusion to think that we can be personally righteous without considering the injustices that exist in the world and God’s call to us to respond to them. As people of faith, we embrace the imperative:

  • to work in the world on behalf of those who are oppressed and suffering,
  • to study the social and cultural systems that create oppression and suffering, and
  • to advocate for changes that can create a more just world..

We respond directly to relieve the suffering experienced by people in our community and beyond by providing food and other resources. We also work to ensure a more just relationship between human society and the natural environment. Below is a list of opportunities at St. Michael’s to serve God’s justice in the world.

Carpenter Ants

Tuesday mornings this group of volunteers works to maintain the church’s building and grounds. They lend a hand wherever it’s...

Good Faith Network

Faith communities excel at acts of mercy, but those acts provide only temporary relief to those in need.  To seek...


HopeBUILDERS Home Repair is a local nonprofit that exists to help financially challenged elderly, veterans and people with disabilities in...


Uplift is a ministry in Kansas City that supports the homeless community by providing nutritious, home-cooked meals. The meals are...

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